Taxiworld System
Pay meter rental

Smart system ...

Designed for London black cab drivers.
This is what you get. For FREE!

Smart tipping

Smart tipping

It's all about the way we ask!

The Taxiworld System is really really good at getting you tips on almost all of your jobs!

The amount is around 10%, sometimes a bit lower, sometimes a bit higher, but is designed to look very reasonable, so that your passengers just press Yes!

Passengers just press YES!

Fare:   £17.60
Leave £20 total for Mohammed?

Other Yes

Fare:   £18.40
Leave a £2 tip for Allan?

Other Yes

Fare:   £53.80
Leave a 10% tip for Tracy?

Other Yes

Sometimes we round up

Sometimes it's a few quid

Sometimes we ask for a %

Tipping's great. It's so easy to use that most people tip! There's not many times that people don't tip. I'd say that about 90% of my passengers tip, and I never used to get that before.

William Clarke

Smart recording

Smart recording

Free dashcam worth £250!

Your Taxiworld System includes a FREE dashcam that records footage when your ignition is on.

AHD 1080Dual dashcam.

  • Keep the claim real.
  • Prove what really happened.
  • Protect your insurance.

what really

Get even more cameras!

It is easy to upgrade to multiple cameras.

Camera upgrade options.
  1. 1 Dashcam Included with the Taxiworld System
  2. 2 Internal camera Built-in to the dashcam, just ask us to switch it on!
  3. 3 Rear camera Optional upgrade, just ask us to fit it!

I think the cameras are excellent and the footage quality is great. We've just fitted the rear cameras to all our cabs too!

Lou Georgiou

Smart receipts

Smart receipts

E-receipts for your passengers

Your passengers can get an e-receipt instead of a paper receipt.

Your passenger just scans a QR code with their phone to get an e-receipt. You don't have to do anything.

No fuss, no hassle and no paper!

My passengers absolutely love the e-receipts! They've said it's a great leap forward in technology. They love getting them on their phones – it's eco-friendly and going paperless is really popular. I think they’re great!

Keni Laudat

Jump jobs!

Jump jobs!

Taxiworld app work - coming 2024.

There are over 5,000 black cab drivers in London using The Taxiworld System. We're launching Jump! A hailing app exclusively for those drivers.

And it's free.

It's free for passengers too.

How it works:

  • Passengers sign up in seconds.
  • Jobs appear on your driver screen.
  • Take them or ignore them.
  • Take payment using the Taxiworld System, or cash.
Product image

Switching to the Taxiworld System is the best thing I've done.

Tim O'Shea